Pallet Potting Bench Ideas


Have you ever come across a potting bench? Well, this is basically a bench especially designed to place some planter pots in the garden or in your patio wherever you have acquired your green landscape. This is a sort of some garden art ideas. These potting benches add a lot to the beauty of garden. Today we are heading towards a huge project of making pallet potting benches. In these multiple ideas all the potting benches would be recycled with the wooden pallet. Here is the very first potting bench painted as red is a great combination of color and skill.

Pallets Potting Bench

If you are creative and innovative enough then sky is the limit. You can just move on to several exploring ideas and there is no limit to designs and innovations. Here in this potting bench idea, there is a different potting bench where there is a met5allic net wall on the conventional pallet wooden table. You can hang different tools of gardening on the net wall, while rest potting planters could be placed on the table. Whole idea is recycled using the pallet wood and then painted as bright white to add more charm to the potting bench.
Pallet Potting Table Bench

Each and every pallet potting bench is different here in all the dimensions. These are the basic inspirations of multiple potting benches, you can make your desired amendments for sure according to your desire and priorities. This one seems to be a deteriorated dressing table. It has multi layered portions on the upper side, while on the lower side it contains a couple of tiny drawers. Now use it according to your choice. Here in the project, several tools are placed in the drawers, while the potting planters are placed on the upper layers. One of rough and raw ideas.

Pallet Potting Bench

In the next project, we see a very sophisticated pallet wooden bench cum shelf hanging and installed along the accent wall. This pallet potting bench imitates a wooden window. Like other ones, it also has a couple of drawers on the lower side. The lower table is tied up with the hanging potting bench with a robust rope which is strong enough to carry the weight of potting planters. This is painted as dark grey matching to the accent wall. Great innovation and skill is employed making this marvelous potting bench. While the tools are hanged on the nails.

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Pallet Potting Bench Ideas

The next one is more of a typical bench. A conventional bench is meant to be a furniture item that is designed to give seating space. But these pallet wooden potting benches are especially designed for the potting planters. So obviously they would hold slightly different design. This is a two storey pallet potting bench. Both the portions could easily be used for placing the pots. A couple of whole pallets plus some additional pallet planks are used in making this fine potting bench. Then it is painted as light grey which is a soothing and most appropriate color for a green landscape.

Pallet Potting Bench Plan

Now rushing towards the final project of the day, we find a very decent potting bench here. Though the basic structure is recycled with the wooden pallet, but some additional wooden stacks are also used in making this beautiful potting bench. This holds a traditional table along with some additional cabinets where you can place all the excessive gardening tools. While the pots could be placed easily on the upper table and rack. This bench provides plenty of space for placing the potting planters. All of these designs are quite practical for your garden. Try making one for yours.

Wooden Pallet Potting Bench

More ideas for pallet potting benches:Wood Pallet Potting Bench Pallet Wooden Potting Bench Pallet Potting Table Pallet Potting Benches Pallet Potting Bench Projects Garden Pallet Potting Bench Pallet Potting Bench Idea Pallet Potting Bench in Garden

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