Recycled Pallet Patio Garden Cabin


Sometimes I think that why exactly do we need a wooden cabin in the garden? Then suddenly a counter argument comes to my mind that why do we need a house? Actually these covered areas make us feel secure, they are our belongings and they help us in many ways when they provide us shelter, they provide us a lot of storage space where we can place a number of our accessories. Same is the case with a patio or garden cabin especially made with the wood pallet. So this is a very useful installation indeed that must be tried by the fellow crafters.

Recycled Pallet Patio Garden Cabin

We only make a cabin when we actually need some covered space or area for any reason, this might be for the storage space purely, or this could be just for having some fun over there, or a lot of other reasons include in that.
pallet patio cabin

So here we are going to experiment with a pallet wooden made garden cabin that is purely made with the timber obtained from the shipping pallets only. No other material is going to be involved here. Although some metallic panels would be used to give it an industrial hard look.
recycled palelt wood cabin

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Look at the basic structure of this pallet wood repurposed garden cabin. It has got a perfect shape and size too that make it an ideal wooden cabin. It has got a curved hut shaped top roof. And a proper tall and wide entrance door which would allow maximum things to get inside the cabin.
wood pallet garden cabin

Now you must be thinking about these jet black metallic panels, well they were actually reclaimed and not bought from the market. The basic reason was to enhance the strength of the wooden door so that it must not get broken when opened repeatedly.
cabin made with pallets

We simply stained the top roof with the black stain giving it a perfect outlook. It would absorb maximum heat of sun and would help potentially in the extreme weather conditions when winter season comes at its peak. On the other hand this would be a great support inside the garden.
wooden pallet garden cabin

Created & Shared by: Design palettes

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